Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights Publishes A Report Showing How HK Government Committed Human Rights Violations by Interfering with Commemoration Restricting Personal Liberty And Defying Local Laws and International Standards


June 4 of this year marks the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Hong Kong people should have been able to exercise their constitutionally protected rights to freedom of speech and assembly to mourn the victims and express their views in a peaceful manner. However, the Hong Kong government deployed a large number of police officers to heavy-handedly surveil the people and interfere with the commemoration activities in various districts. The extent of severity and asperity was unprecedented.

Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights publishes the Report of the 34th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Based on public information, this report has compiled and studied in detail the events that took place before, on and after June 4, which also includes an in-depth legal analysis. We discovered a worrying trend that the Hong Kong government has adopted a number of new strategies which lack a solid legal basis. Its actions in a number of areas have clearly infringed basic rights of individual citizens, and violated local laws as well as international human rights standards.

[Click here to view the full report]

[Press release in full text]