Press Release


香港人權資訊中心於去年6月15日發表《六四事件 34 周年報告》。報告詳述香港警察於2023年六四事件周年前夕及當日曾以不同方式阻撓市民公開悼念死難者,包括威嚇組織者不要舉行悼念活動、拆除公開展示的燭光圖畫、對市民進行任意或具歧視性的拘捕、強行帶走及截停搜查。在去年6月3日至4日期間,香港警察至少將32名市民拘捕或帶走,當中包括記者和進行和平悼念活動的市民。警方於去年的行動嚴重侵犯市民的集會及表達自由,違反本地法律及國際人權法。當時聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處亦曾公開表達關注,促請香港政府釋放因行使和平集會及表達自由而被羈押的人,以及履行《公民權利及政治權利國際公約》下的義務。 香港人權資訊中心促請香港政府切勿重蹈覆轍,尊重市民的和平集會及表達自由,停止阻撓市民以和平方式悼念六四事件。 參考資料 六四事件 34 周年報告( 2023年6月15日) 新聞稿全文:

[in Chinese only] 香港人權資訊中心提交立場書批評香港政府《基本法》第二十三條立法違反人權責任

香港人權資訊中心於2024年2月28日向香港政府提交立場書,嚴厲批評香港政府硬推基本法第23條立法,違反聯合國建議,進一步加劇對人權的侵害。 香港政府聲稱尊重和保護人權是本次立法過程的核心原則之一,並多次強調草案將符合國際人權標準。然而,就目前所知的法例內容及立法過程所見,香港人權資訊中心並不認為港府有意積極參照聯合國人權專家提出的意見,解決現行法律存在的問題,反而硬說現行做法及立法建議符合人權原則,是惡意扭曲人權概念,意圖洗白新惡法。 香港人權資訊中心於立場書中引述多份聯合國人權機制發出的文件,反駁香港政府指《國安法》及《基本法》二十三條符合人權的謊言。其中,聯合國人權事務委員會於2022年審議香港的人權狀況時,已預先就《基本法》二十三條立法事宜提出保障人權的先決條件:一、撤回《國安法》;二、確保立法過程公平、透明,公眾和公民社會能有意義地參與;三、解決所有人權機制就《國安法》提出的人權關注。未符合這三項條件的立法,將是對香港人的權利和自由的重大威脅。 這些建議是人權事務委員會專家委員仔細參考了港府提交的文件及與港府進行會談後,提出的權威性建議,而香港既然參與《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》的人權機制,港府有責任採納審議所得的意見和建議。惟事實可見,港府不單未有遵從,更在立法建議中,加強《國安法》和「煽動罪」等被聯合國人權機制嚴厲批評的惡法,反其道而行。 言論、和平集會、結社自由等,是公眾和公民社會有意義地參與立法過程的前提。港府於實施《國安法》後對人權、自由進行全方位打壓,由北京單方面進行政制改革後的立法會掌控立法權,我們認為香港的公眾和公民社會無法有意義及不被威脅地參與立法過程的諮詢和討論,以及立法機關並無法有效地把關,修改法案令其符合人權。 此外,港府於諮詢文件中直指人權團體是外國勢力扶植,香港人權資訊中心對港府再次表露對人權團體的敵意感到不安及憤怒。 香港人權資訊中心敦促香港政府回應聯合國人權機制的建議,在未按人權事務委員會建議撤回《國安法》,及回應和解決所有國際人權機制提出的批評和建議以確保新例能保障香港市民的基本權利前,立即停止《基本法》第二十三條立法。 中心同時將立場書交聯合國人權高專辦、各公約機制及各人權特別報告員。 中心發言人表示: 「將人權工作者污名化,是極權政府常用手段,試圖將監察政府的聲音滅聲。人權團體為人權保障把關,是民主社會重要一環;港府一邊談保障國際人權標準,一邊繼續打壓人權團體,任誰也看得出港府的虛偽和對承擔人權責任的虛怯。」 「港府試圖用國際人權語言粉飾惡法,指鹿為馬,港人及國際社會均為其感到羞恥。而港府聲稱從速立法是社會共識,更是一大謊言。真正的共識,是一眾聯合國人權專家多次直指港府借國家安全之名侵害人權,一錯再錯。」 -完- 附件: Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights’ Statement regarding the so-called consultation on

HKCHR releases “Hong Kong Human Rights Report 2023”

“We hold the belief that the people of Hong Kong persist in resisting authoritarian oppression, and that we all have incorporated this conviction into our daily lives, finding hope even within the constraints of oppression. This report aims not only to bear witness to the human rights issues in Hong Kong but also to document the ongoing resistance of Hong Kong people against authoritarianism.”

Hong Kong Centre For Human Rights Publishes A Report on District Council Election Documenting The Violations Of International Human Rights Standards

The 2023 District Council election (“Election”) was held on December 10, which is the first “patriot-only” election under revamped election system with only 19% of the seats were returned by direct election.

HKCHR published a report on the Election today, documenting in detail the violations of international human rights standards in the Election.

All Pro-Democracy Candidates Barred from Standing for District Council Election Unreasonable Thresholds Set in the Nomination Method of the Election Violating International Human Rights Law

“In recent years, the government has further tightened the power and democratic procedures of the remaining District Council elections. The HKCHR urges the Hong Kong and Chinese governments to fulfil their obligations under the ICCPR. We urge the immediate abolition of the non-compliant nomination and selection mechanisms, and advocate for the full universal suffrage for the District Councils, the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive, so as to safeguard the public’s right to participate in political affairs and their basic rights.”

Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights urges the Hong Kong government to fulfil its obligations under international human rights law

The Centre believes that the statement of the UN experts reflects that the Hong Kong government’s persistent abuse of the law to suppress human rights is of great concern to the international community. The mass trial and bounties placed against human rights defenders have further tarnish Hong Kong’s international image, causing Hong Kong to be boycotted by the international community that supports the rule of law, democracy and human rights.

Defending Human Rights is Not a Crime; Stop persecution against 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund and Human Rights Defenders

Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights urges the Hong Kong government to fulfil its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to stop harassing members and organisations of civil society. Hong Kong government should end the criminal investigation of the 612 Humanitarian Support Fund, and to drop all allegations and restrictions against those arrested.

Five UN Special Rapporteurs Issued Joint Communication Criticizing That Hong Kong’s Proposed Crowdfunding Law May Violate Human Rights

Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights finds that this joint communication reflects the UN human rights experts’ concern that the Hong Kong government is actively using legislative and administrative measures to stifle the civil society in Hong Kong; the analysis also reveals the purpose of such measures to be decapacitating civil society in Hong Kong. We urge the Hong Kong government to withdraw this legislative proposal immediately, and to review existing legislation for the purpose of creating and maintaining an enabling environment for the enjoyment of civil society organizations’ right to seek, receive and use resources.

UN Universal Periodic Review of Hong Kong to be held in January 2024 HKCHR made submission illustrating actual human rights situation in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Centre for Human Rights (“HKCHR”) made a submission regarding Hong Kong to the HRC on 18 July 2023. The submission focuses on the human rights situation in Hong Kong since the last UPR review (the third cycle) in 2018, consisting of 9 major human rights aspects, namely national security, police violence, rule of law, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to political participation and immigration detention.